- Listen
You might think you already know everything, but listen until you make sure no detail is missing. - Make you sure you know the aspects and details
You must know all aspects of the problem from the spiritual point of view. For example, if the person describes his problem as lack of income to pay the coming bills, financial problem is one aspect and you might even be able to help him by borrowing some money. But the spiritual problem hear is fear of future and lack to trust that God certainly has a plan. - Give your testimony
Tell your frined what God has done for you in similar situations. In fact positive testimonies are so powerful that almost all marketting strategies are based on them! - Give your counseling
Now give your advice both on worldly matters like financial aspects and also on spiritual level like trust in God and never be afraid of anything and anyone other God. - Bring God into conversation directly by praying for your friend in front of himself
This does not need to be a debate between you and your friend if you simply bring God to the conversation. Put your hand on shoulder of your frined and start praying right there. Include concerns of your frined and your testimonies in your prayer. Then ask God to send his holy spirit upon both of you to give you wisdom and power to solve the problem. - Finish the meeting friendly
Make sure when you leave your friend, he has a good feeling and not feeling of being blamed or accused. Ensure him that he can call you anytime for more help. Free you received, freely you give (Mat. 10:8).
How to Spiritually Help A Friend
Aug 21, 2021 00:00
283 words
2 minute read